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Monday 28 November 2011

E wHat?? E-Commerce Laa,,

One of the major reason business , home and other users purchase computers is for Internet access. The Internet is widely use research tool , providing society with access to global information and instant communication. Further , access the Internet can occur anytime and everywhere.

The Internet also called Net is a worldwide collection of network that links millions of business, government agencies an so on. It is easy to set internets and the web. The web is actual physical network made up of wires, cable and satelits.Being connected to the network is often described a being online. Every day over a billion users from nearly every the countries in the world use the Internet and the web.

  Through the Internet many things that we can do such as communicating, shopping, searching and entertainment. Communicating is you can exchange e-mail with your family and friends all over the world. Moreover, we also can shop for example look for the fashions and other. But through Internet, we can have a business through E- Commerce . E- Commerce of electronic commerce is the business transaction that occur over on electronic network such as Internet. Do you ever brought anything over the Internet???

  The underlying reason for the rapid growth of e-commerce is it provides insensitive for both buyer and seller. From the sight of buyers , we can purchase at any time of day or night . Traditional commerce is typically limited to standard business hour when the seller is open. Additionally , the buyers will not have time to make chosen.

  E-commerce has three types. First is business to consumers. It involves the sale of a product or service to the general public or and users. Oftentimes this arrangement eliminates the truer to sell directly to customers. Other times , existing retail stores use B2C e-commerce to create a presence of the web as another way to reach customers. The three most widely used B2C applications are for online banking , financial trading and shopping.

Second is consumer-to-consumer. It involves individuals selling to individuals. This often takes the form of an electronic version of the classified ads or an auction. There are two basics types of web auction. First is auction house sites. It sells a wide range of merchandise directly to bidders. The auction house owner presents merchandise that typically from a company’s surplus stack.  Second is a person-to-person auction sites. It operates more like flea markets. The owner of the site provides a forum for numerous buyers and seller together. While the owners of these sites typically facilitate the bidding process , they are involved in completing transaction and verifying the authenticity of the goods sold. As we purchase at a flea market , buyers and sellers need to cautions.

Then , third is business-to-business. It also involves the sale of a product or service from one business to another. This is typically a manufacturer- supplier relationship. For example , a furniture manufacturer requires materials such as wood , paint and varnish.

As a conclusion , e-commerce is one of the technologies that we have in this world for nowadays. The growth of internet will lead to growing of technology worth the increases of consumer. Through these services we can get many advantages but also it still has disadvantages. So, we need to use all this services with netiquette.

How does society use computer Education,Finace,Publising and Travel??

Computers are everywhere  at work,school and at home. People use all type and size of computers for variety of reasons and in range of places. While some computers sit on top of desk of floor,mobile computers and mobile devices are small enough to carry. Mobile devices such as cell phone are classified as computers.

    Computers are electronic component that operate under the instruction store it awn storage. Computers also are a primary means of local and global communication for billion of people. Consumers use computer to respond with business,employees,customer,teachers and so on. In addition,people use computer to share pictures,drawings,journal,music and videos .Through computer,society has instant access new;credit reports and educationalmaterial always are accessible. From computer you can meet new friends,share information and book flight.
    At home,people use computer to manage schedules,pay bill and transfer funds.Banks also use computer to customer deposit and withdraws fund at anytime. At a grocery store,computer use to track purchase and calculate the amount of money due. Vehicles use computer to know yhe direction or call emergency calls.
   Moreover,the computer has changed society as much as the industrial revolution changed society. People interact with computers in field such as education,finance,health care,science,publishing,travel and manufacturing. In addition,they can reap the advantages through computer.

    Education is the process of acquiring knowledge. In tradisional method,they use model such as people to learn something.They also learn from parents,teachers and employers. But,nowadays many forms of printed material can be use to learn such as book and manuals for learning tools.Today,educations also use computer to assist with education.For example,many school use computer to access network of internet.That society also use computer to connect or share note.They also can attend class without go to school.

    Second is finance.Many companies use computer to help manage their finance.For example,they use finance software to check balance of check books,pay bills and manage investment,That software will include variety of online services such as we can do online banking without go to bank.The advantages of that service are we can access financial record everywhere.

    Next, publishing is the process of making works available to the public.It include publish the book,magazine,film and many more.The special software is use by graphic designer in developing  the pages that include text,graphic and photos.Usually they use web allow to complete the work such a music to your desktop.Then,the publisher make their works available through online.

   Lastly,the travel societies also use computer navigation system to arrive safely.For example buses.They use this system to make sure that all the safety of passengers is safe.Airplanes also use this system to check the condition of weather.Nowadays,many travel society us internet to make the purchasing of ticket is easy.So that,the  customers can buy the tickets at anytime they want.The most important advantages are the computer can print out the web for the traveler especially for the pilot.They need this map to make sure the travel is safely.

  As coclusion,technology can give us advance to our life and computers will become a part of our daily life.Thus,many people believe that computer is important in the world.Many advantages we can get from the computers such as the fastest speed to get the information.Second,reliability are dependable  and reliable because they rarely to break.But,the computer also have disadvantages such as it is it can pollute our environment and the improper of computer user can make we get disease.So,we must appreciate what we have and must use it with netiquette.

<3 enjoy reading yaaa <3



Thursday 17 November 2011

CAmpus CAmpus and CAmpus...

<3 This Tall Building was call UITM BANDARAYA MELAKA <3
Hyee Dear,, Okayy,, Firstly , wanna to intro that ,, this tall building is my further study place now. Hahaa,, Nice building right?? Just try to look and see at this picture and guess how many level that this building have?? =) Hihi, not to high la dear, just until level 16 only.. Can slim maa, if we always using stairs to floor 16, hahaa,, It was call AMAZING a.k.a TERBAEK laa,,

But dont worry,, coz this building have 4 lift that can bring you to the class more easier,, but you must came earlier , so that you will not queue up too long waiting for your turn,, So,, the best time is b4 8.30 a.m.As I know, Uitm Bandaraya Melaka also called as KBM, and I proud to be the STUDENTS OF KBM.

This is our song "UITM DI HATIKU " The best songs that I ever heard.. and the others song is "WAWASAN SETIA WARGA UITM" .. Lets sing together this song.. hihi,, But need to remember the lyrics okay ,, like "JANGAN LUPA LIRIK" hahaa,,

AT KBM, I further my Degree,, and I'm taking MARKETING course and automatically I be the Marketers.. So, I must be a talkative and friendly marketers. Do add me at facebook yaa.. ^_^ and we can wall to wall everyday,, hahaa,, 

Wanna to know about my classmate??? =) Okayy,, I got 32 siblings in BM2201B and I already have my bestfriends ,  Siti Nadzirah . She's also my housemate, thats why, I always with her anywhere , anytime and everywhere,, hihi,, I love my classmates like my own sibling cause we will stay together until 3 years study. So, no one special in that class. No gossip2 okehh,, cause I dislike gossip thats we call "GOSSIP MURAHAN". 
Okayy,, continue with my classmate, you can see below image to view my classmates picture and you can guess which one,, is ME.. Cause I'm the "belagak" face.. hihi,, But not "belagak" laa dear, just want to avoid my face got shadow , thats what the photographer told us b4 take a photo laa.

My Lovely Classmate ,, <3 u all much dear..
HAhaa,, next ,, want to share my photo during my study at here,, hahaa,, jEng,, jeng,, jeng...

<3 Miss Universe <3

<3 LAdies Smile <3

<3 Sneak pic <3

<3 Grrrrr <3

<3 Possing Time <3

<3 My LoveLy classmates <3
Thats all from me,, hihi,,

No wonder what happen,, we need to forgive each other..
You need to respect others before they respect you..
HAND BABE.. ^_^