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Thursday 17 November 2011

CAmpus CAmpus and CAmpus...

<3 This Tall Building was call UITM BANDARAYA MELAKA <3
Hyee Dear,, Okayy,, Firstly , wanna to intro that ,, this tall building is my further study place now. Hahaa,, Nice building right?? Just try to look and see at this picture and guess how many level that this building have?? =) Hihi, not to high la dear, just until level 16 only.. Can slim maa, if we always using stairs to floor 16, hahaa,, It was call AMAZING a.k.a TERBAEK laa,,

But dont worry,, coz this building have 4 lift that can bring you to the class more easier,, but you must came earlier , so that you will not queue up too long waiting for your turn,, So,, the best time is b4 8.30 a.m.As I know, Uitm Bandaraya Melaka also called as KBM, and I proud to be the STUDENTS OF KBM.

This is our song "UITM DI HATIKU " The best songs that I ever heard.. and the others song is "WAWASAN SETIA WARGA UITM" .. Lets sing together this song.. hihi,, But need to remember the lyrics okay ,, like "JANGAN LUPA LIRIK" hahaa,,

AT KBM, I further my Degree,, and I'm taking MARKETING course and automatically I be the Marketers.. So, I must be a talkative and friendly marketers. Do add me at facebook yaa.. ^_^ and we can wall to wall everyday,, hahaa,, 

Wanna to know about my classmate??? =) Okayy,, I got 32 siblings in BM2201B and I already have my bestfriends ,  Siti Nadzirah . She's also my housemate, thats why, I always with her anywhere , anytime and everywhere,, hihi,, I love my classmates like my own sibling cause we will stay together until 3 years study. So, no one special in that class. No gossip2 okehh,, cause I dislike gossip thats we call "GOSSIP MURAHAN". 
Okayy,, continue with my classmate, you can see below image to view my classmates picture and you can guess which one,, is ME.. Cause I'm the "belagak" face.. hihi,, But not "belagak" laa dear, just want to avoid my face got shadow , thats what the photographer told us b4 take a photo laa.

My Lovely Classmate ,, <3 u all much dear..
HAhaa,, next ,, want to share my photo during my study at here,, hahaa,, jEng,, jeng,, jeng...

<3 Miss Universe <3

<3 LAdies Smile <3

<3 Sneak pic <3

<3 Grrrrr <3

<3 Possing Time <3

<3 My LoveLy classmates <3
Thats all from me,, hihi,,

No wonder what happen,, we need to forgive each other..
You need to respect others before they respect you..
HAND BABE.. ^_^ 

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